3 Tips For Troubleshooting Common Car Electrical Problems

11 March 2020
 Categories: Automotive, Blog


The auto electrical system in your car is crucial because it provides the energy to recharge the car battery, start the engine, power lightbulbs and power other electrical accessories, among other functions. The electrical system consists of the battery, lighting system, wiring, alternator, spark plugs, and fuses, among others. When you have an issue with the electrical system of your car, it might affect other systems or components, which may prevent the vehicle from operating optimally. Here are some tips for troubleshooting common car electrical problems. Remember that the electrical system is complex, so it is best to seek the services of a qualified auto electrician.

Dead Battery 

Most vehicle owners would attest to having a dead battery once in a while. A battery can run out of juice for many reasons. For instance, if the recharge system or alternator is not working properly, then the battery may be drained at a faster rate than that of recharging. Also, if you unknowingly left your headlights on for a long period when the car was not running, then you are likely to have a case of a dead battery. Another reason is an aging battery that has run its course. A quick fix to this issue is to use jumper cables to jumpstart the car with the help of another charged battery. However, the only solution to a battery that cannot hold a charge is a replacement.

Spark Plugs

Spark plugs are essential to an engine because they release an electrical spark that aids in the fuel combustion process. The spark plugs must receive enough electrical charge for the engine to run effectively. If you experience a sputtering engine or rough idling, then you might need to check the spark plugs to ensure that they are still in good condition. Notably, you may need to replace one or two faulty plugs for all the cylinders to fire accordingly. 

Faulty Alternator 

A car alternator is a vital component that helps supply power to multiple components. Common symptoms of a damaged or malfunctioning alternator include dim headlights and the inability to recharge the battery. You need to check the battery voltage to rule out a battery issue. Most importantly, the plummeting of voltage levels could point to a problem with the alternator. The issue could lie with a loose alternator belt or some other malfunction that must be rectified immediately by either repairing the belt or replacing the alternator.